Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mid-State Trip Day 10 - St Louis, Missouri to Mena, Arkansas

No pictures today. I already have pictures of the chicken crossing the Missouri and Arkansas state lines from previous trips, so today we just drove.

We headed almost straight south out of St Louis along Hwy 67. The drive took us through part of the Missouri Valley. It was a very nice drive, through more rolling hills. We saw more pasture land than farmland today. We then headed down from northeast Arkansas down to Little Rock, then across to Hot Springs and on to Mena. Arkansas has some great road. for motorcycle riding. Very hilly and lots of “twisties” (curves). It’s fun, but you need to watch your speed sometimes as many curves are a bit tighter than they look. We did OK, no one ran off the road.

Mother Nature finally caught up with us. We had been lucky up until today. Heading into St Louis, you could tell that it had rained hard in the afternoon, but cleared as we arrived. Soon after checking in, it started raining hard again and there were tornado warnings around us. It rained all night, but cleared before we headed out at 7:30. It stayed nice until 3:00 this afternoon. We could see a large thunderstorm and thought that we might miss it. We had just gotten on Interstate 30 south of Little Rock when it started raining. We pulled over under a bridge and checked our smart phones. It looked like it was moving out, but still in the area. I put my rain gear on, Michael did not…we drove in and out of showers for the next 146 miles. Michael did put his gear for the last shower.

Day 10 Trip mileage - Today 481 - Total 4274

That's it for today.


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