Thursday, October 13, 2011

East Coast Trip Day 8 – Atlantic City, NJ to Virginia Beach, VA

Purposely got a late start today since I had a reservation on the Cape Mays – Lewes Ferry at 11:00AM and it was only a 45 minute drive from Atlantic City. It only runs 4 times a day and I didn’t want to catch the 7:30 one!!!!

Today was a grab bag of weather. It started out foggy in Atlantic City, so I put on my rain pants to drive down to Cape Mays (to keep the “road spit” off my pants). Once on the ferry, it warmed up and I took the pants off. As I departed the ferry, it started misting a bit, so I pulled over and put on the entire rain suit, pants, jacket and “gators” (cover the boots to keep them dry). After about an hour, the sun came out, so I removed all the rain gear, then about an hour from Virginia Beach, I could see thunderstorms off in the direction that I was travelling, so I stopped and put everything back on. Then as I was crossing the Chesapeake Bay bridge/tunnel, it stopped raining (never got into any heavy stuff). I went ahead and left the rain suit on until I got here to the hotel.

Daily overview, it started out at 64 degrees and got up to 80, before falling back to 70 as I got near Virginai Beach and the thunderstorm. . Drove 230 miles today for a total of 1873.

Just another comparison to last years trip...after day 8 last year, Michael and I had travelled 3429 miles after the same number of days...this year is much more relaxing!!!

Got pictures of the Chicken in front of the Delaware, Maryland and Virginia state lines today. I now have personally driven my motorcycle in all 48 of the contiguous United Stated and have a picture of the Chicken in front of every state line to prove it. It initially started out as a funny thing to do, then became a mission (both good and bad), but I am glad that I have completed it. I also have pictures of the Chicken in Mexico and Canada.

Tomorrow is a “just get there” day, all interstate and 424 miles, so nothing exciting.

That’s all for today.

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